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Royal Vista Ranch Stallion's Highlights in the Arena


Frenchmans Guy

WY GUYSFAMOUSCOPYCAT Placed 2nd with Shyann Lucas at the Royal Crown Breeders Buckeye Futurity Tomorrows Legends Open 2D earning $3,125


JL Dash Ta Heaven

LE ROI and Ashley Schafer placed 4th at the Kinder Cup Barrel Championship Futurity in the Tomorrows Legends Incentcentive Open 1D earning $1,875

COOL TO BE IN HEAVEN with Preslie Reid placed 2nd at Houston in the Wild Card Round 2 winning $2,000

JETTIN TA HEAVEN and Haylyn Lide had a great time at the Houston Rodeo placing 1st in Round 1 as well as 3rd in the Wildcard and round 2 and split 3/4th in round 3. The team took home $5,875.


For additional information for breeding contract call Royal Vista Ranch Farm Manager Laura Erickson at (405) 449-7575.


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