A Smooth Guy
SCHEN SMOOTH MOVES ridden by Savanah Shumpet place 7th in the Hooey Jr Patriot finals earning $12,387
SMOOTH N SILKY & Shaynn Lucas were crowned Reserve Champions at the Dixie Classic Derby earning $4,354

Bullseye Bullion
FOOL LOAD OF BULLION and Brentley Small took home $888 from the Shawnee NBHA Open 3D

Frenchmans Guy
ANY GUY OF MINE ridden by Jamie Olsen placed 3rd at the Pro Rodeo in Arcadia, FL winning $3,284
INVISIBLE GUY & Ashley Haller were the RESERVE CHAMPIONS at the Scottsdale Pro Rodeo adding $2,497 to their pockets
FRENCH FRY GUY won $2,222 Satudary and Sunday in the Senior Dixxie Classic with Heather Coombs
BNDNORMASFRENCHPRIZE Placed 7th at the Arcadia, FL Pro Rodeo, earning Peyton Stepanoff $1,143

JL Dash Ta Heaven
TRHEAVENSILLUMINATED and Jordan Driver Placed 6th at the Austin Pro Rodeo Qualifier earning $1,406
FLIT TA HEAVEN with Cindy Patrick aboard won
the Ft. Myers Pro Rodeo earning $1,808
JETTIN TA HEAVEN and Halyn Lind took home $4,000 from the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo
HEAVENS GUY and Oceane Veilleux made a HUGE splash at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo adding $5,000 to their earnings with a highlight placing 3rd in the Wild Card

Lucky Wonder Horse
SWF TELLEM IM LUCKY & Lora Nichols were crowned CHAMPIONS in the 2D at the Dixie Classic Futurity, winning $1,834
For additional information for breeding contract call Royal Vista Ranch Farm Manager Laura Erickson at (405) 449-7575.