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Written by Tanya Randall

Preslie Reid and her backup horse, turned No. 1 Cool To Be In Heaven (“Neveah”) held on to the lead from early in slack through two performances to win the Walker County Fair & Rodeo, held March 29-20 in Huntsville, Texas.

“I was saying my prayers and crossing my fingers until the last girl ran in the perf,” said the 32-year-old barrel racer from San An- gelo, Texas. “I always knew she could do it.”

Reid was extremely pleased with the dainty-built mare’s 17.4 in the big, sandy outdoor pen.

“I was really happy it was a big outdoor pen, but I wasn’t so happy that I was bottom of the drag and it’s super deep,” she said. “Usually deep ground isn’t her forte, but she worked absolutely perfect.” The vic- tory—Neveah’s first--helped Reid maintain her posi- tion in the WPRA World Standings. She currentlysits No. 12 with $29,498.

Neveah caught everyone’s atten- tion when she stepped into the limelight at Rodeo Houston after Reid’s main mount Streakin French Star (“Carlos”) went out with an injury between her Super Series and the Semifinals.

“She’s always just been there with the talent, but I’ve never let her shine,” said Reid. “We’d always hit barrels to win something, and Carlos is so hon- est.”

Reid purchased Neveah, now 10, from Renee Spiller as a 3-year- old. The mare was from Jud Little’s famed breeding program. Her sire and dam were both raised by Little as well. She is by the great JL Dash Ta Heaven out of Cool To Be Famous, a daughter of Sun Frost and multiple futurity finalist Gabardine Fame, by Dash Ta Fame.

“I really wanted a JL Dash Ta Heaven mare. I thought they were extremely athletic. I put on Facebook ‘ISO a JL Dash Ta Heaven mare,’ and Renee Spiller messaged me.”

Neavah was a tad on the spicy side and Spiller had planned on breeding her to Triple Vodka, who she owned at the time.

Once Reid got the mare home, she spent months desensitizing and restarting the mare. "She had a few rides, but not very many,” she noted. “It took along time. I don’t think she ran at her first rodeo until she was 7. Idid run her some her 6-year-old year. She definitely showed that she had the talent and speed, but it was a lot of getting her to where she was running and then slowing her back down.”

Navaho spent the latter half of 2022 and early part of 2023 Recoving from stifle surgery and deep digital flexor tendon injuries. she went with her (Reid) for the summer run, placed at Belle Fourche, SD, over the Fourth of July But then hit barrels at three straight rodeos to win or place very well.

"I knew she could win but she couldn't keep it together most of the time" Reid said. "Her 8 & 9 year old years , I ran her at several rodeos, and I hit barrels over and over again to win them or be second. I have a whole book full of her woulda, coulda, shouldas."

Now with Carlos out for several months with deep digital flexor tendon, Neveah is left to carry the load.

Subscribe to The Barrel Racing Report and read the full article here.


For additional information on breeding, contact Royal Vista Ranch Farm Manager—Laura Erickson—at (405) 449-7575.


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